Friday 26 September 2014

Practise Photoshop

This is what i created when practicing using Photoshop, I used things such as the lasso tool to cut out my image and get rid of the background i also altered the hue/saturation and the levels to enhance certain parts of the photo. I also used crop and copy to place the Eiffel tower behind the sand, i also learnt how to lock layers and create new levels, i also renamed each layer so when i had a lot of layers, i knew which one was which. I also learnt how to change the feather effect of the lasso tool to make the edging seem less sharp and blended more. I also made some mistakes when using Photoshop by accidentally changing the contrast for example but by making these mistakes i learnt how to put them right and i now know for my future product on how to do it and what to do.

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