Thursday 16 October 2014

Tattoo's added using Photo Shop

By using Photo Shop and looking at a tutorial on YouTube on how to add tattoo's using Photoshop I created this image, I used the tools of opacity to blend the image in to the body so that it looks realistic as a tattoo I also changed the levels and removed the background. I chose to add tattoo's because I think it is a main idea of R n B, when creating my main image for my magazine, I will use what I have learnt here and I will add a selection of tattoos's on to my image. I used a selection of 9 different tattoo's to create this, I also used tools such as transform and the warp tool, to make it look like it is actually warped to the shape of the arm/body. I also used a colour eraser tool to get rid of the white background from the image.

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